Elite Specialists Clinics in Khobar about

More details for Elite Specialists Clinics in Khobar

Because health is the most precious thing that a person has, and because if a person suffers from it or a relative with an illness or disease, he makes a great effort to know the skilled doctor in his precise specialization, and then spends many times that of effort, money and time to get a long appointment with him, so here the elite clinics gathered a group of skilled doctors and surgeons In their specialization and the wonderful in their interest and dealing with patients, under one system, so that the patient is reassured and confident.

At this stage and every period, one of the brilliant consultants we invited to meet our high standards joins the elite clinics.
Elite Clinics aspire to be the most distinguished medical center in the quality of treatment and receive referrals from all Gulf countries.

Spine Clinic: It deals with the treatment of spinal diseases such as:

Modern and ancient vertebral fractures.
Osteoporotic fractures of the vertebrae and their treatment by injecting materials that stabilize the fractures by needles and without surgical intervention.
Spinal deviation and its treatment with the latest surgical methods and devices.
Herniated disc in any area of ​​the spine and treated with the latest methods, including treatment by needles and without surgical intervention and under local anesthesia.
Treating spinal infections and treating them with medications or modern surgical methods.

Osteoporosis Clinic: It deals with the following matters:

Accurate diagnosis of osteoporosis in the elderly of both sexes.
Treating all osteoporosis diseases with scientific evidence-based garden methods.
Diagnosis and follow-up of osteoporosis in middle-aged people, knowing the causes leading to this disease and treating it with the latest methods.
Knowing and diagnosing fractures caused by fragility and treating them using modern methods, such as treating vertebrae fractures by injecting the vertebrae with special materials and without surgical intervention.

Pediatric Orthopedics: It deals with the treatment of the following diseases:

Congenital hip dislocation and treatment with the latest methods.
Foot deformities in children and their treatment by the Ponseti method and without surgical intervention.
Using the world's best operations in difficult cases of congenital foot deformities.
Treatment of shortening in the limbs using the latest methods of lengthening.
Treating children's fractures with the latest methods of stabilization.
Treating children's bone infections.
Treatment of rickets and osteomalacia in children with the latest methods.
Treatment of congenital malformations of the limbs of children using the laser method.

Pregnancy and childbirth follow-up program: It deals with the following matters:

Follow-up of the normal pregnancy until the natural delivery.
Follow-up of high-risk pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure during pregnancy, and others.
Follow-up of deliveries of patients with multiple caesarean sections.
Follow-up cases of bleeding during pregnancy.
Follow-up of recurrent infections with pregnancy.
Follow-up cases of premature labour.
Treatment of cases of cervical relaxation.
Treatment of cases of ovarian cysts.
Treatment of uterine fibrosis cases.
Treating cases of vaginal muscle relaxation.
Talking ways to find out the sex of the fetus.
Talking ways to find out whether pregnancy or not.

General and Bariatric Surgery Clinic: It deals with the following matters:

Surgical treatment of thyroid diseases.
Diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases and their early detection.
Laparoscopic surgery, such as gallbladder and hernia surgery, and others, using modern methods.
Follow up on accidents and injuries.
Diagnosing and treating diseases of the anus and rectum, such as hemorrhoids and tumors, by modern methods.
Treatment of obesity diseases medicinally and surgically by endoscopy to reduce the size of the stomach or change the course of the intestines.
Diagnosis and treatment of emergency conditions such as appendicitis, gastric chance complications, and intestinal obstruction.
Diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases in children such as circumcision and hiatal hernia.
Treating diabetic foot complications.
Surgical treatment of tumors using modern methods, such as lymph nodes and skin tumors.

Eye surgery and finishing clinics: It deals with the following matters:

It is concerned with diagnosing and treating myopia and its causes such as diabetes, corneal infections and retinal diagnosis.
It is concerned with treating blue water using modern methods.
It is concerned with diagnosing and treating white water with the latest methods.
Treating corneal diseases by finishing with the latest methods, including LASIK.
Diagnosis and treatment of keratoconus diseases with the latest methods.
Diagnosis and treatment of severe farsightedness with surgery, such as: Implanting an intraocular lens to replace the glasses.
Treatment of optic nerve infections and their causes.
Diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and redness.
Treating strabismus in the eyes with new methods.
Treating lazy eye diseases.

Dermatology and laser clinic: It deals with the following matters:

Treating skin diseases with the latest methods.
Treatment of Vitiligo with the latest international methods used in the largest international centers.
Treatment of skin changes of aging.
Laser treatment for hair and tattoo removal.
Botox treatment for skin tightening.
Sensitive skin treatment with a recent test.
Treatment of skin infections and rashes.
Treating venereal diseases such as herpes and sexually transmitted diseases.
Treatment of skin tumors and their removal by garden methods and the use of lasers such as warts.
Psoriasis treatment.
Treating hair loss and baldness diseases.
Treating acne using modern methods and avoiding its effects.

Diabetes, Endocrinology and Internal Medicine Clinic

Treatment of diabetes types I and II and gestational diabetes.
Installing insulin pumps.
Treatment of thyroid disorders by modern methods.
Follow-up of thyroid cancer diseases.
Follow-up and treatment of diseases resulting from vitamin C deficiency.
Follow-up and treatment of hormonal disorders.
Treatment and diagnosis of respiratory diseases.
Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
Treatment and follow-up of hormonal imbalance and electrolytes after obesity operations.
Diagnosis and treatment of common heart diseases.
Diagnosis and treatment of common blood diseases in the region.
Follow-up and treatment of disorders of the adrenal and pituitary hormones.
Follow-up and treatment of growth and puberty disorders such as short stature and excessive height

Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic: It deals with the following matters:

Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy with the latest surgical methods.
Early detection of hearing impairment in children.
Treatment of hearing impairment in adults and prescribing hearing aids.
Treatment of nasal individuals and the eradication of nasal polyps with optical endoscopes.
Performing delicate operations in the ear and tympanoplasty.
Micro-operations to improve hearing.
Exploring and treating vocal cord diseases, especially among professionals such as teachers.
Correction of crooked nose and plastic surgery of the face and nose
Treating sinusitis and heating it with optical endoscopes.
Treatment of headache causes and balance.

Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Clinic: It deals with the treatment of the following cases:

Hepatitis C diseases.
Stomach diseases such as ulcers and the work of its own endoscopes with the latest types of endoscopes.
Duodenal diseases and their treatment with endoscopy.
Endoscopic Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Laparoscopic Gout Colon Diseases.
Diseases of bile ducts, imaging and extraction using modern endoscopes.
Cirrhosis of the liver and abdominal dropsy.

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