Dar AS Seha medical center has been in Dammam since 1996 and has continued for 25 years to provide various medical services at the highest level.
Dar Al-S health medical center has a large number of different specialties, as well as a large number of distinguished doctors in all disciplines.
The center has an urgent medical care department and provides free medical consultations in some specialties such as obstetrics and gynecology, and the Dar Al-S health center operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Keywords About Dar AS Seha medical center
- Telephone number of Dar AS medical center
- Address of Dar Dar AS Seha medical center
- Doctors of Dar AS Seha medical center
- Book an appointment at Dar AS Seha medical center
- Reception number of Dar AS Seha medical center
- Specialties of Dar Dar AS Seha medical center
- Best Doctor at Dar AS Seha Medical Center
- Dar Dar AS Seha medical center laboratory
- Detection price at Dar AS Seha medical center