Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic about

More details for Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic

Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic provides all medical services and all medical specialties under the leadership of a group of consultants
Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic seeks to provide a high-quality health care service.
The team of Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic is characterized by expertise and professional competence at work, and they make every effort to provide a distinguished and safe service with high efficiency.
Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic was developed and provided with the latest modern, effective and safe devices in the fields of dermatology and cosmetology - pediatrics - neonatology - obstetrics and gynecology - obesity and thinness
Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic offer a range of healthcare services and our staff of doctors and specialists are committed to providing advanced care to our patients.
The team of professionals at Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinics bring experience and empathy to all the patients they treat.
Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic owe a debt to providing high-quality, cost-effective healthcare through exceptional services to our patients, staff and community.
Keywords About Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic
  • Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic phone number
  • Address of Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic
  • Book an appointment at Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic
  • Reception number of Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic
  • Specializations of Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic
  • Examination price at Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic

More details for Shifa Al Jazeera Polyclinic

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