Omm Al Hamam Polyclinic about

More details for Omm Al Hamam Polyclinic

Um Al Hammam Clinic includes all medical specialties and a special section accredited by the Ministry of Health to issue medical reports for issuing residences, health certificates and employment examination and there is a department of rays and laboratory with 8 specialist doctors and one consultant doctor.

Keywords About Omm Al Hamam Medical Group Clinic Complex
  • Omm Al Hamam Medical Group Clinic Complex Number
  • Appointments of Omm Al Hamam medical clinic complex
  • Omm Al Hamam Medical Clinic Complex location
  • Booking appointments for Omm Al Hamam medical clinic complex
  • Doctors of Omm Al Hamam Medical Clinics Complex
  • Reception number of Omm Al Hamam medical clinic complex
  • Specialties of um Omm Al Hamam Medical Clinic Complex

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