Al Shifa Saudi Hospital in Jeddah contains several medical clinics (dentistry - dermatology, cosmetic and laser - internal clinic - ENT clinic - orthopedic clinic - general surgery clinic - pediatric clinic - eye clinic - obstetrics and gynecology department - radiology department - Laboratory Department - General Medicine and Emergency 24 hours.
Keywords About Al Shifa Saudi Hospital - Jeddah
- The phone number of Al-Shifa Saudi Hospital - Jeddah
- Address of Al Shifa Saudi Hospital - Jeddah
- Doctors of Al-Shifa Saudi Hospital - Jeddah
- Book an appointment at Al Shifa Saudi Hospital - Jeddah
- Al Shifa Saudi Hospital reception number - Jeddah
- Specialties of Al-Shifa Saudi Hospital - Jeddah
- The best doctor in Al Shifa Saudi Hospital - Jeddah
- Departments of Al-Shifa Saudi Hospital - Jeddah
- Al Shifa Saudi Hospital Laboratory - Jeddah