Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

Jarash Medical Complex

E-mail : jarrash.sapia@gmail.com

Address of Jarash Medical Complex

King Faisal Road, Jazan - Sabya 85299, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Sbia Jizan

Phone Numbers Jarash Medical Complex

Facebook :
P.O.Box : 85299

Jarash Medical Complex contains most of the medical specialties, which are "heart - brain and nerves - digestive system and endoscopy - kidney medicine and surgery - orthopedics - joint and cartilage treatment - fracture clinic - internal medicine - urinary tract - general surgery - physical therapy for men and women - anti-smoking - rheumatism"

Jarash Medical Complex owns a distinguished team of consultants and health care specialists with multiple experiences who are able to treat and follow up all pathological conditions and medical problems, even the most complex ones.

Jarash Medical Complex provides health care in a safe environment that focuses on the health of the patient to raise the standard of health services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

It also seeks to apply the latest medical treatment methods, use advanced technology, and recruit highly skilled professionals. Respect for Islamic beliefs and principles. Giving patients high values.

Jarash Medical Complex is equipped to become an advanced medical edifice that provides the best medical and treatment care at the latest levels under the supervision of a group of doctors and consultants specialized in all fields using the latest equipment and advanced technologies.

The Examination Center for Expatriate Workers at Jarash Medical Complex, which is equipped with the latest laboratory and radiological equipment, under the supervision of a distinguished medical and technical staff, provides the following services:

A comprehensive medical examination service for expatriate workers and domestic workers to ensure their safety and freedom from diseases and the issuance of a comprehensive medical report and giving them the necessary vaccinations, and the service is linked with the passports to complete their official procedures.
It also provides a medical examination service for nutrition workers and the issuance of health certificates that authorize them to work in the food and health sectors.
Make the necessary medical examination to obtain driving licenses
Comprehensive medical examination for university students.
Comprehensive medical examination for employment.
and domestic workers to ensure their safety and freedom from diseases, issue a comprehensive medical report and give them the necessary vaccinations.
It also provides a medical examination service for nutrition workers and the issuance of health certificates that authorize them to work in the food and health sectors.
Carry out the necessary medical examination to obtain driving licenses.
Comprehensive medical examination for university students.
Comprehensive medical examination for employment

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  • Address of Jarash Medical Complex
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