Dr. Sami Al-Harthy

Address of Dr. Sami Al-Harthy

8831 King Fahd Road, Olaya, Riyadh 12214, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ulaya Dist - Al Riyadh

Phone Numbers Dr. Sami Al-Harthy

About Dr. Sami Al-Harthy
  • Dr. Sami Al-Harthy is an associate professor and consultant ENT and rhinoplasty, specializing in rhinoplasty and using filler injections to lift the face or rhinoplasty.
  • It is also preferable to use the closed nose technique during his operations through the two nostrils and without incision the skin below between the nostrils, and the method is chosen according to the age of the patient and the type of problem, and he is considered capable of repairing the hump of the nose or slimming the width of the bone in the nose, slimming the top and the nose, As well as reducing the upper bone of the nose.
  • Dr. Sami Al-Harthy's certificates: Bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery from King Saud University in 2000 AD.
  • Saudi Board Certificate and King Saud University Fellowship in Otolaryngology, 2006 AD.
  • He obtained the French fellowship in facial plastic surgery in 2010.
  • Member of the Saudi Aesthetic Society from 2011 to 2014.
  • He received a diploma in plastic and facial reconstructive surgery from France in 2010.
  • He received his Ph.D.
  • He was awarded the Arab Board in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery in 2005
  • He is the Head of the Otolaryngology Department, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Sami Al-Harthy’s experiences: Dr. Sami Al-Harthy is considered one of those who are able to use filler injections to increase the size of the lips, or face fillers to tighten sagging skin.
  • As well as the treatment of deep scars, where the layers of the skin are filled and raised to the natural level of the surrounding skin and sometimes the nose itself is injected with fillers, as this contributes to tightening the skin of the inner part of the eyes so that it gives a wider area for the eyes and gives a straight shape to the bridge of the nose with the disappearance of the prominent hump shape without cracking Orthopedic, and this method benefits women with a wide, flat bridge of the nose, as raising the bridge of the nose reduces this flatness and gives a beautiful appearance to the nose, and thus filler injections contribute to giving a consistent texture to the nose without any surgical intervention.
  • It is worth mentioning that closed rhinoplasty requires special expertise from the surgeon, because the surgeon does not clearly see the tissues inside the nose, and relies on the sense and experience of his hands only. Therefore, a small percentage of surgeons can perform such operations, Therefore, Dr. Sami Al-Harthy usually undergoes correction operations for previous surgeries performed by patients, which did not bring a satisfactory result.

During his training and work, Dr. Sami Al-Harthy moved between more than one Saudi hospital until the situation stabilized recently as a consultant ENT and consultant facial plastic surgery at Dr. Sulaiman Habib Center in Jeddah. He also has contributions to medical research in the field of nose surgeries.

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