Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

E-mail : info@dawaak.com.sa

Address of Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Harun Al-Rasheed Street, Al-Fayha District, Riyadh 14254, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Riyadh Al Riyadh

Phone Numbers Daawak Medical Company Clinics Complex

Facebook :
P.O.Box : 14254

Dawaak Medical Complex was opened in February 2009. The complex includes the best medical cadres, including doctors, technicians and nurses. The complex includes several medical clinics (dentistry - dermatology, cosmetic and laser - internal clinic - ENT clinic - orthopedic clinic - general surgery clinic - a clinic Pediatrics - eye clinic - obstetrics and gynecology clinics - radiology department - laboratory department - general medicine and emergency 24 hours.

Dawak Complex opened in February 2009 and began work to attract the best medical cadres, including doctors, technicians and nursing. Many young Saudis were recruited and trained to work in the field of customer service, reception and human resources. The complex continued to achieve continuous growth due to its distinguished location and excellent structure and to our desire In investing in the medical sector, we acquired through our medical group Anova, which works in the field of retail trade and sale of medicines and medical preparations through the chain of Health House and Health Kingdom pharmacies, on your medicine complex, and that was in 2013 and since that date, we have been working in the spirit of One team. Later, we will turn to your medical group, which will include complexes, centers and hospitals
It provides integrated primary health services for all family members by attracting the best medical competencies and training them on an ongoing basis and providing them with the latest devices and technical equipment, in order to be at the forefront of primary health care providers with our cadres, services and equipment, and because we are part of our society we will strive to serve it to the utmost

Keywords About Dawaak Medical Complex
  • Dawaak Medical Complex phone number
  • Address of Dawaak Medical Complex
  • Doctors of Dawaak Medical Complex
  • Book an appointment at Dawaak Medical Complex
  • Dawaak Medical Complex reception number
  • Specialties of Dawaak Medical Complex
  • Dawaak Medical Complex laboratory
  • Examination price in Dawaak Medical Complex
  • Ultrasound price in Dawaak Medical Complex

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