kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

Address of kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

Olaya Street after the Kingdom Tower towards the south, Olaya, Riyadh 12214, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ulaya Dist Al Riyadh

Phone Numbers kadoon Clinics Complex for Dermatology and Dentistry

Fax : 0114721993
P.O.Box : 12214

kadoon Dental and Dermatology Clinics, which were opened in the year 2000 and are considered
Kadoun Clinics is one of the leading and specialized companies in the field of healthcare, including dentistry, pediatrics, and dermatology treatments.

Al-Malaz branch is the first branch, it started with three clinics and now contains 6 clinics. The Olaya branch was opened in 2003, which contains 10 dental clinics, 7 dermatology and laser clinics.

kadoon Clinics is proud to present the best and latest technologies in dentistry to our clients
We also have experts and specialists in the modern world of cosmetic dentistry to serve them and give them the perfect smile.

kadoon Clinics is proud to always provide the latest technologies in the world in dentistry and orthodontics, and provides its clients with many treatment options according to the needs and capabilities of the patient.

Also, at kadoon Clinics, you can see your future smile before starting any treatment using DSD technology.

kadoon Clinics is proud to offer its clients the latest technologies and the best health care, with expert and qualified specialists to provide the best treatment and the latest treatment methods.

Skin Care Department: The department offers cosmetic and complementary treatments to improve the freshness of the skin and remove toxins from it.
And care for all skin types (dry skin - oily skin - mixed skin - sensitive skin).

In the dermatology clinics, kadoon Clinics provide integrated care and superior care for your skin by providing the best possible treatment methods under the supervision of highly qualified specialists.

The clinics are equipped with different units and advanced equipment for skin and body care.

In kadoon clinics, there are many types of peeling to suit the nature of your skin and its requirements.

The Lumisil Touch device in kadoon clinics to tighten the wrinkles and break up fat, which makes the appearance of the body very consistent.

Slim Concept device at kadoon clinics helps in slimming the body, tightening flabbiness, getting rid of cellulite and dissolving localized fat.

The lymphatic massage device helps rid the body of toxins and stimulate blood circulation to improve the functionality of the lymph fluid.

Keywords About kadoon Clinics
  • kadoon Clinics phone number
  • Kiddon Clinics Address
  • Book an appointment at kadoon Clinics
  • kadoon Clinics reception number
  • kadoon Clinics Specialties
  • Examination price in kadoon Clinics
  • The best dermatologist in kadoon Clinics
  • kadoon Clinics Branches
  • kadoon Clinics Doctors
  • kadoon Clinics prices
  • kadoon dental clinic
  • Who has tried kadoon Dental Clinic?

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