Rashid Medical Complex

Rashid Medical Complex

Rashid Medical Complex

Rashid Medical Complex

Rashid Medical Complex

Rashid Medical Complex

Rashid Medical Complex

Rashid Medical Complex

Rashid Medical Complex

Rashid Medical Complex

Address of Rashid Medical Complex

Al Muntazah Al Sharqi District - King Abdul Aziz Road, Buraydah 52384, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
بريده بريده

Phone Numbers Rashid Medical Complex

Fax : 0595415515
P.O.Box : 52384

Rashid Medical Complex is equipped with the latest types of advanced medical devices and the best doctors, consultants and specialists of the highest medical skills that will contribute to providing the best outstanding medical service to patients.
Rashid Medical Complex has a large number of different specialties, as well as a large number of distinguished doctors in all specialties as well as emergency services, medical laboratory and radiology with the aim of providing the best care and medical care.

Keywords About Rashid Medical Complex
  • Rashid Medical Complex Phone Number
  • Rashid Medical Complex Address
  • Rashid Medical Complex Physicians
  • Book an appointment at Rashid Medical Complex
  • Reception number of Rashid Medical Complex
  • Rashid Medical Complex Specialties
  • Rashid Medical Complex Laboratory
  • Price of detection at Rashid Medical Complex
  • The best doctor in Rashid medical complex

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