Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

E-mail : info@bugshan.med.sa

Address of Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Al-Faisaliah, intersection of Prince Muhammad Bin Abdulaziz Street (Tahlia) with Al-Madina Road, Jeddah 23322, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
جدة Jeddah

Phone Numbers Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

Email Bugshan Hospital - Jeddah

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Bugshan Hospital is one of the main hospitals in Jeddah. The hospital is strategically situated at the crossing of two main roads in Jeddah, Prince Mohamed Bin Abdel Aziz Street (also known as Tahlia Street) and Madinah Road. The hospital was purposely built in the year 1980 to serve Jeddah community and had since undergone a major renovation between 1998 and 2002. It has 111 beds capacity.

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