Al-Mahd General Hospital - Mahd Al-Zahab

Al-Mahd General Hospital - Mahd Al-Zahab

Al-Mahd General Hospital - Mahd Al-Zahab

Al-Mahd General Hospital - Mahd Al-Zahab

Al-Mahd General Hospital - Mahd Al-Zahab

Al-Mahd General Hospital - Mahd Al-Zahab

Address of Al-Mahd General Hospital - Mahd Al-Zahab

Mahd Al Dahab 44411, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Al Madina Al Madina

Phone Numbers Al-Mahd General Hospital - Mahd Al-Zahab

Al-Mahd General Hospital in Medina provided services in many medical specialties through outpatient clinics to 28,142 beneficiaries during 2020.
Medina Health explained that the emergency department of the hospital received 49,011 cases, 563 surgeries were performed, 170439 carried out laboratory examinations, 227 surgeries per day, the radiology department performed 34,297 x-rays, and 80,394 prescriptions were dispensed.
There were 3,385 dialysis sessions, while the number of births was 823.

keywords about Al-Mahd General Hospital
  • Al Mahd General Hospital - Madinah
  • Al-Mahd General Hospital - Mahd Al-Zahab
  • Al Mahd General Hospital
  • Book an appointment at Al Mahd General Hospital
  • Phone numbers for Al Mahd General Hospital - Madinah
  • Reservation of the phone appointments of Al-Mahd General Hospital
  • Address of Al Mahd General Hospital
  • Al Mahd General Hospital Emergency
  • Al Mahd General Hospital appointments
  • Al Mahd General Hospital reception number
  • The best doctor in Al Mahd General Hospital
  • Specialties of Al Mahd General Hospital

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