Al-Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh

Al-Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh

Al-Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh

Al-Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh

Address of Al-Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh

Al-Kharj Road, Casablanca, Riyadh 14516, Saudi Arabia
Riyadh - Al Riyadh

Phone Numbers Al-Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh

Al - Naqaha Hospital in Riyadh offers four departments three for men and one section for women provides services to patients with special needs that the rest of the hospitals can take care of for long periods, and may last for life and mean the word convalescence (i.e. patient service and rehabilitation after the end of the specified treatment period.
The hospital recognizes the needs of patients and their own and psychological problems and secures social security for anyone in need in coordination with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and increases the interdependence between the patient and his family.

Keywords About Al - Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh
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  • Address of Al - Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh
  • Booking an appointment at Al - Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh
  • Reception number of Al - Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh
  • Al - Naqaha Hospital Specialties - Riyadh
  • Best Doctor in Al - Naqaha Hospital - Riyadh

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